Avl og opforming i høj kvalitet

E-mail: info@mogelholt.com

Phone +45 77 77 88 99


HSH Agro is our independent agro company


Our mission is to be a profitable business that stands strong even in stormy weather and preserves the value of our land in the long term.

Soil and crops 

HSH Agro

HSH Agro is our independent plant breeding company. It is a traditionally structured farm responsible for cultivating and caring for approximately 2200 hectares. Our fields are a crucial resource for producing quality crops and supporting our animal production.

The story behind

Baggrunden for HSH Agro er opstået af et uformelt samarbejde blandt tre af de større aktører i området tilbage i 1990’erne. I midten af 2000 blev HSH Agro stiftet som fælles maskinstation under én samlet enhed. Senest i 2018 er det blevet til et decideret driftsfællesskab med mandskab og maskiner. De 3 oprindelige bedrifters jorde, er nu forenet under samme markplan.
Today, HSH Agro consists of a collaboration and ownership between Mogelholt A/S as pig production and Havnø Gods, which has forestry, rental properties and a forest burial ground.
With two different backgrounds in ownership and a dedicated operations manager, HSH Agro has a wide range of competencies that make for a thriving company with a strong strategy and focus on development. 

Crop variation

At HSH Agro, we grow different crops to vary our production and reduce risk. This includes both barley, wheat, rye, rapeseed, but also broad beans, seed grass and corn to maturity. Many crops that are well suited to our climate and soil conditions. We have continuous crop rotation in our farming practices to maintain soil quality. This also means preventing resistance and minimizing pesticide use.


We use what technology we can in our farming. This means using, for example, GPS-controlled machines and satellite to monitor the fields closely. We have a very high level of registration, even beyond what is required by law, in order to be able to work in a targeted way with the data it gives us. The technology allows us to optimize plant growth and resource use, leading to better yields and less environmental impact.

Environment and society

In the fields, we primarily use reduced tillage to lower our CO2 emissions. We use strategic plowing as needed to keep the crop rotation healthy. We have several fields that are set aside for fallow and are working on establishing areas with pollinator fallow. A special seed mix selected for the pollinator fallow opens up more diversity in the area.
We have a good collaboration with a local nature conservationist on sheep grazing, where the sheep graze our dikes and salt marshes during the summer period. With sheep grazing, the areas are gently maintained.

A great workplace

At HSH Agro, we strive to be more than just an agricultural company. It should be a place of learning, growth and community. We care about our employees enjoying their workplace and having room for family life - an approach we are proud of. A positive work culture is the foundation for growth.
We value a positive and inclusive work culture highly. Here, you are not just an employee but an integral part of a team. We provide a supportive and friendly workplace where you can thrive, feel appreciated, and inspired. We recognize that our success as a company is a result of dedicated employees


At HSH Agro, we give our employees and students the opportunity to immerse themselves in agricultural practices and techniques. We offer educational opportunities, courses and training. Knowledge sharing and collaboration is encouraged so our team can learn from each other and grow together. We continually train apprentices because we believe it's important to pass on our knowledge and experience so that future generations can build on those skills.

Environment and society

In the fields, we primarily use reduced tillage to lower our CO2 emissions. We use strategic plowing as needed to keep the crop rotation healthy. We have several fields that are set aside for fallow and are working on establishing areas with pollinator fallow. A special seed mix selected for the pollinator fallow opens up more diversity in the area.
We have a good collaboration with a local nature conservationist on sheep grazing, where the sheep graze our dikes and salt marshes during the summer period. With sheep grazing, the areas are gently maintained.

A great workplace

At HSH Agro, we strive to be more than just an agricultural company. It should be a place of learning, growth and community. We care about our employees enjoying their workplace and having room for family life - an approach we are proud of. A positive work culture is the foundation for growth.
We value a positive and inclusive work culture highly. Here, you are not just an employee but an integral part of a team. We provide a supportive and friendly workplace where you can thrive, feel appreciated, and inspired. We recognize that our success as a company is a result of dedicated employees


At HSH Agro, we give our employees and students the opportunity to immerse themselves in agricultural practices and techniques. We offer educational opportunities, courses and training. Knowledge sharing and collaboration is encouraged so our team can learn from each other and grow together. We continually train apprentices because we believe it's important to pass on our knowledge and experience so that future generations can build on those skills.