Besætninger både i Nord-, Midt- og Østjylland
Welcome to Mogelholt
Mogelholt is headquartered in a corner of Northern Jutland, north-east of Hadsund, facing the scenic Mariagerfjord. The geographical location near the fjord makes it ideal for pig production.
The original herds have been in the Schnack family since the 80s when Søren Schnack bought the farm Kragelund. His son, Morten Schnack, bought Nybrogård in the fall of 2005, which together with 3 other farms was part of a family-owned company with pig production. This became the seed for the way Mogelholt is run today. A combination of breeding, production and slaughter pigs in collaboration with surrounding stakeholders.
When Søren left in 2015, the Vinderslev family joined the company. The collaboration has proved very fruitful and the company has grown steadily over the years. It has now become a larger organization with many farms and several parallel production units with underlying crews, stretching from the top of North Jutland and down through East Jutland.
Positive contribution to development
A few words from the management
The goal is simple: to produce healthy and robust animals every time. Our breeding programs are carefully tailored to deliver high-quality pigs that we can be proud of.
We are constantly trying to optimize our operations, stay up to date and develop our skills.
I realize that my leadership is a key factor in our success and I am determined to deliver great animals to our customers, shape the future of our organization and contribute positively to the development of pig production.
Thank you for reading along.
Morten Schnack
Direktør for Mogelholt